Monday, May 17, 2010

Final weeks in the States and my return to France - September 17, 2009

So , I left New London on Labor day and travelled by train to Boston for three nights. Philly and I made a bunch of yummy food (like usual) and also we went to Walden Pond. I had no idea where Walden pond was. I only knew it from hearing about Henry David Thoreau and even that knowledge was brief. So, we strapped Sylvie to Philly's chest and went out for a hike. We had packed our lunch and had a nice little picnic by the lake in the shadow of some trees near the original site of HDT's cabin. We continued our hike and saw a bunch of fish, swimmer's and also some cute chipmunks and frogs. It was perfect weather and both of us regretted not bringing our swimsuits. So, after three nights of eating and visiting, I boarded the train to Albany. I took a rather indirect route on the "Lake shore limited" Amtrak. It really was a beautiful ride through the woods of Massachusetts and into Rensselaer county NY. I was picked up by my step mom Sandi for three nights in Albany. I got to see my brother Christopher twice which is always a pleasure. I also saw Julie and Julia at Crossgates mall. Finally! I'd been meaning to see it the entire time I was home. I'm now obsessed with Julia Child and plan to get her cookbook and cook my way through it. I also bought her autobiography, which I'm now reading. Also I decided while in Albany to gauge out my first earring hole. I just love all these cute wooden earrings I see and I started the process. I went to Spaulding on Central Ave and picked up my first set of gauges. I went with 16 gauge at first and popped them into my ears. They were quite tight at first but I should be able to move up a gauge within about another week. I also decided I would go back to Lark Street tattoo for some work on my wave tattoo. I went in, had a consult with the guy and booked an appointment for saturday night at 5. Tirns out this guy is a dope and made my appointment for Sunday when I was already going to be gone. I didn't realize this until I looked at the card right before the appointment. So, I ended up finding a place called "Hooligan tattoo" in Latham near Hoffman's. I talked with this guy Travis on the phone and told him what happened and he took me right away. I just wanted work on the shading part of the tattoo so I figured anyone could do it. Turns out he charged me 50 bucks less than Lark would have and he was nice and did a good job on the tattoo. I recommend him if you need a tattoo. Shading hurt like a bitch and I was definately feeling exhausted after the tattoo. I just went home and my brother Chris came over. Next day, I left to head downstate by bus to see my friend Terry. Terryis an old friend of my Mom's and a truly awesome individual (Hi Terry). Terry and I had some dinner at a nice restaurant in the lovely riverside town of Newburgh, NY (LOL) and then headed back to her house for some RnR. We awoke in the morning and had a relaxing breakfast and then drove up to the original site of the Woodstock Music Festival, forty years ago. It turns out the museum was closed because of stupid winter hours and so we could just go to the monument. The monument overlooks the hillside where the original stage was. Really cool to actually be there where something so unique happened. Terry said she had seen some shows there and so they now have regular music events there. Which is neat. So we just drove around the site a bit and then headed back to her place for some yummy Turkey Chili and then she drove me down to stay a night in a hotel near the JFK airport. I spent my last night chilling with Shawn, who came down to visit me in the city. He brought me a huge bag of popcorn to take with me, which was awesome. So, I said my final goodbyes and in the afternoon I headed off to JFK to get rid of all my heavy shit for a short period of time. I made my weight limit which is totally amazing! No extra luggage fees! woo hoo! Travel back to Paris was very nice. I had a seatmate who was a very nice lady and we chatted throughout the flight. Pretty good airline food and a swift flight, which ended up arriving half an hour early to Paris. I arrived in Paris at dawn on a foggy morning. I had an easy time getting through customs and retrieving my baggage and settled down for a three hour wait for my train to Lyon. I got to practice some of my French, sort of, because it seemed everyone was asking me for help. I couldn't really help any of them becasue my French is not that good, but it's nice to know I no longer look like I have no idea what's going on! LOL I hopped the train just after 9 to head for Lyon. I arrived in quick fashion on the fast bullet train to find Stephane smiling and waiting just outside my train car! We hugged and kissed for about ten minutes and then headed home. So, I've just been getting settled and finding it nice to be home and pet my kitty, who still wants nothing to do with me unless I have food. Good to know some things never change. When I got home, I ate some lunch and then passed out for several hours until a late dinner, then again went to sleep around 10 to find myself wide awake at 3 AM. Gotta love that fucking jetlag! So, today is Steph's birthday and so we will go out for a birthday dinner of sushi and find a yummy cake at Les Halles of Paul Bocuse, which is right across the street. That's the plan.

Happy to be back home in France but sorry to say goodbye to all my friends in the states, for now. Don't worry, you'll never get rid of me completely! ;)

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